The 6ft. model in our Platinum Series of Horizontal Cookers. This next step in size of our Platinum Series cookers. Most Vending or Catering Professionals and Competition Cooks who need the capacity to cook more product or just the weekend BBQ’er who wants to entertain with a whole hog will find this cooker to be the perfect size.
The Platinum 6 Specifications
Overall Dimensions | 74?H x 102?W x 60?D |
Internal Cooking Space | 21?H x 64?W x 39?D |
Overall Weight | 3000 lbs. |
Cook Temp Range | 175 – 450 degrees |
Charcoal Qty | 32 lbs. |
Bottom Rack Size | 64? W X 39? D |
Middle Rack Size | 64? W X 33? D |
Top Rack Size | 64? W X 27? D |
Charcoal Qty | 7? apart |
Color | Black |
Standard Features | 12” Floor Stand 10? SS Front Shelf Aluminum door handles Hydraulic door assist Guru Ball Valve Adapter Chrome Stump’s BBQ Thermometer in door |
Baby Back Ribs | 75 |
St. Louis Style Ribs | 60 |
Large Brisket | 35 |
Boston Butt | 60 |
Chicken Halves | 70 |
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1-478-328-1500 Monday-Friday, 8am – 5pm EST
Frequently Asked Questions
Gravity Feed Smokers are an indirect heat fired smokers. This means there is a fuel source off to the side and natural air movement and gravitational draw is used to move the heated air thru and across the cook chamber. The amount of “fire” is controlled by the amount of oxygen that is allowed in from the ball valve. The chute-full of fuel can’t all ignite at one time because there isn’t enough oxygen in the chute. So the burning area of fuel is contained in the bottom part of the chute — where there is a “tube” that allows the heat/smoke to transfer from the chute into the cook chamber therefore now we are cooking.
So by controlling the amount of oxygen that is fed in, we can control the amount of “fire” or the temp in the cook chamber. That’s where electronics like a BBQ Guru come in handy — it uses a fan to force oxygen into the ball valve when needed. Forcing the oxygen in will allow the temp to rise faster (helping to recover the heat in the cook chamber after the door has been opened). But you can always let it recover naturally, just takes a little longer.
The heat/smoke moves through the cook chamber of a gravity feed much slower than in a typical offset stick burner smoker. Therefore the cook chamber doesn’t dry out as much either — this creates a nice moist cooking environment that doesn’t tend to cause meat to dry out as fast while it is cooking.
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Cooker Manuals
The Platinum 6 Cooker Owner’s Manual
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